Friday, June 11, 2010

This is me almost one year ago! It's been kind of heart breaking to look at pictures of myself and how much I let myself go! The smile on my face is fake and I know this look all to well! I'm saying in my head "Hurry and take the dang picture" Who is happy looking like this? Not many people. So, with this I pass on my first piece of advice: Take pictures of yourself and put them all over your house, in the bathroom, refrigerator, by all the clocks, your nightstand, where ever you know you will see them. You cant really help yourself if you don't see yourself! Doing this will give you the determination to change, to become healthy, tone up and lose the weight you want to lose. It's not easy, it's the hardest thing I've had to do but in the end it will be worth it! You have to start somewhere, so you might as well take a good look at yourself!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

6 months ago....

6 months ago I started on a weight loss journey, and it has been an incredible ride! I was inspired by The Biggest Loser show, and the amazing trainers and contestants. I'm not sure why this last season was so different for me, maybe it was because there were contestants on there who weighed less then me. I started this journey weighing in at 268 lbs. I am ashamed at how far I had let my weight get out of control and i am so nervous that i just told everyone who reads this how much I weighed! I'm sure I thought I was hiding it well, but the fact is, 268 lbs is a lot and no matter how much you want to hide it, no matter how big you buy your clothes, it's still there and when you look at yourself in the mirror you are disgusted by what you see. I wish I had started this blog at the beginning of my Journey but with 4 kids, a husband, sports, and work my life is so very busy.

What I want to do with this blog is to inspire others to take the path I have taken, to share with you hope, faith, patience, endurance, love, understanding and the knowledge that this can really happen if you put your whole heart, mind and body into becoming a new you!! This is a real life struggle for me, I have many medical issues that i have and as i continue on this journey, I hope that some of these issues will resolve and I can live a happy life.

As of today i am 207 and have about 40-50 left on this journey! I could not do this without the support of my family and good friends! You are what gets me up in the morning, you all inspire me in many different ways! I love you all!!

For the next few post i will be going back in time with pictures and feelings I had in the beginning, so bare with me as I document the last 6 months!